The Importance of Reading Books to Kids' Personality Development
When I go to your house, first thing I would be looking for is your bookshelf. Yes, for it speaks volume about you. People hoarding books have favorable human relating than those who don't have any. Yes, for books teach us a lot of things. Get a story book and see how people behave in the story. Their goal to reach the top rung of the ladder, say career, business, etc. they could be in constant battle with their inner demons. Yes, either pride, envy, jealousy, or so on could be a bitter truth about themselves. Learning how they face these and overcome is something that can be done also when we feel the same travail. We need to be good, kind and fair and just so as to be called well-adjusted individuals. For, living with other people around, we have to be easy to be with, know our boundaries and willing to learn a thing or two about relating. And, book reading is one sure way to get ourselves the needed skills in dealing with different people around. Vicarious learning is key. Whe...